Jun 7, 2016 | Consulting Services & Project Management, Insight Methods
When you know the cost drivers of any business you put yourself in a position where you can get the best by investing where you will get the best outcome. The same is also true when you commission market research or undertake it internally. Understanding your market...
Aug 13, 2015 | Brand & Communications, Business & Stakeholders, Insight Methods
Becoming a customer-centric business seems simple enough in principle; keep your customers at the centre of your business decision making. What that means in practice is something else. Among the many reasons business fail to become customer-centric is that their...
Jul 9, 2015 | Insight Methods
Mobile devices are increasingly used to complete surveys that were traditionally completed on a personal computer. In a number of our recent general population studies the proportion of people completing a survey with a mobile device is 25% to 30% and with 69% of...
Jun 30, 2015 | Uncategorized
In the past few years the insight industry has looked at debated almost every facet of what we do in order to better understand consumers and deliver insights that are actionable and engaging. We have looked at how to tell better stories, how to better visualisation...
Apr 24, 2015 | Consulting Services & Project Management, Insight Methods
David Ogilvy’s quote of “give me the freedom of a tight brief” is as true for writing a market research brief as it is for advertising. It is hard to doubt the importance of writing a brief both for the agency and for yourself. Yet they take up precious time needed...