Insight Methods

A solution driven approach to uncovering insights that drive strategy development.

We believe that great insights start from great research design, and that this design comes from a clear understanding of what clients need to make decisions and an understanding of the market as real people. To find the necessary insights, we employ a range of analytical techniques and research methods. Our approach is also to integrate data and insights from different sources to provide robust findings that capture the full breadth of factors that influence behaviour.

Qualitative research approaches

Focus Groups

Traditional as they are, focus groups remain one the best ways to actually speak with your market in a way that is fast and efficient.  Working with our network of recruiters, we have the capability to undertake national and international projects to uncover the insights you need.

Personal & Depth Interviews

When depth is needed, when the topic is sensitive, or the focus needs to be on the individual, personal interviewing provides the right framework for allowing the required time and focus.  In person, by phone or by skype, we regularly undertake personal interviews both as the central part of a project and to provide additional depth and understanding of a market. 

Participant Observation & Ethnography

Sometimes actions speak louder than words, and the insight comes from how a person interacts with their environment. Uncovering these types of insights requires observation of people in their natural environment. Observation can be passive, where we record what was done without interacting or by using an ethnographic approach that engages those we are studying and captures a broader range of detail in video and other multi-media.

Online Research Groups

When your market is widely dispersed, hard to access, or require time to view and think about their responses, then online research groups provide an ideal vehicle for getting the needed insights or testing ideas. With online research groups, questions can also be tailored to individuals and segments within the group to provide greater flexibility and detail. Our approach allows us to test material and engage consumers in a way that motivates them to go beyond superficial responses. Online research communities also provide a way to re-engage consumers involved in other phases of research for more in-depth insight or test outcomes from the earlier project stages.

Case Study Method

Case study method combines interviewing staff and stakeholders, with other data sources to understand a specific event, such as a product launch or new business initiative. Unlike other research approaches, case study method looks both internally and externally to provide a comprehensive approach to evaluating how internal and external factors drive the success or failure of a business initiative.

Quantitative research approaches

Surveying Methods

The breadth and types of surveying available to clients have expanded widely. While online surveying that employs a mobile device accessible design has come to dominate surveying, face-to-face, over-the-phone, intercept, text, pop-up, and other approaches offer ways that are more suited to different target audiences and research topics. Our approach is to start with what our client’s objectives are and how to best to capture the needed insight, efficiently. 

Data Analytics

Big data or small data, market insights can come from a variety of sources, and when combining data sources, insights that cannot be seen in any one source, are revealed.  Working with client, industry, government and third party data sources, we employ a wide range of analytical approaches drawn from statistical modelling, Bayesian analysis, and AI to uncover clear insights complex data.


Once the domain of university labs, biometric approaches to allow us to capture detailed observations in real-time.  Two of our key approaches that we use – response time and facial coding – capture responses for responses that consumers may not be fully aware or willing to admit. Response time measures provide additional insights into memory accessibility and strength of opinion, while our facial coding approach helps to determine emotional responses to advertising, concepts, content and other creative.

Marketing Mix and ROI

Understanding the impact of marketing or other activities on business performance is critical to resourcing decisions. Working with client’s media, or other activation data, our analysis looks at how different levels of expenditure drive sales change and which types of activation had the strongest return on investment. This type of analysis can be undertaken using time-series data or pre/ post-analysis.

Case Studies & Insights

How to Ask Gender, Sex and Sexuality Questions in a Survey

How to Ask Gender, Sex and Sexuality Questions in a Survey

When conducting research, we often ask about gender without much thought.  Like other demographic questions, it is often slotted into a study because it is seen as something all studies should include.  Like all survey questions in research, we should only ask what is...

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Bank and Financial Services Market Research

Bank and Financial Services Market Research

Few industries have undergone as many disruptive changes as the banking and financial services industry within the past twenty years.  Once an industry that prided itself on predictability, and hidden behind government regulation, each bank had almost identical...

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